Tip.It Times & Updates! » 

The Tip.It Staff would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very happy and healthy 2007! In this week's Tip.It Times, our Editor has taken a few moments to reflect on the year just passed, and offers his insights into what makes RuneScape such a great game to play. Please take a moment to give it a read.

In other news, we have a couple of updates to mention...we've upated our Cooking Guide and Cooking Levels Table to include the various food items obtained via the Hunter skill (rabbit, bird, beast and rainbow fish). We've also changed the Cooking Levels Table to show all food items in their cooked state. And did you know....that chicken can be used in the place of meat in many recipes, like meat pie, stew and meat pizza? Thanks to Tip.It Community member Soothsayer for sharing this interesting piece of information with us! Still with the "food" theme, we've also added rainbowfish to our Fishing Calculator and Planner, making planning your fishing expeditions that much easier.

Finally, our Holiday and Rare Items guide has been updated to include the Christmas 2006 event and items. So if you haven't completed the Holiday event and you'd like a reindeer hat and wintumber tree of your very own, you'd better get a move on before you miss your chance!

And lastly, please remember that all of you are cordially invited to our Freaks of Christmas Past event, scheduled to begin later today at Varrock Palace on world 7. This event is F2P, so come one, come all! Be sure to visit the Event Details Page for more information, such as start times and attire.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Happy New Year!

Will you use Menaphos to train your skills?

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