Good locator

Good locator Examine: Helps me to get to useful resources. Weight: 0.33 kg Weight may be inaccurate
Members: Yes Quest item: No Tradeable: No Stackable: No
High alchemy: 5,550 gp Low alchemy: 3,700 gp
Location: Reward from the Mobilising Armies Minigame.
Uses: Operate to be teleported to an area with a good amount of skilling resources. Deteriorates after 50 uses.

Available Resources:
  • Ores - Copper, Tin, Iron, Clay, Silver, Gold, Mithril
  • Herblore Secondaries - Cave nightshade, Ground desert goat horn, Ground unicorn horn, Mort Myre fungi, Red spiders' eggs, Swamp tar, Toad's legs
  • Advanced Secondaries - Ground blue dragon scale, Jangerberries, Potato cactus, Snape grass, White berries, Wine of Zamorak
  • Fish - Cage (Crayfish), Small net (Shrimp, Anchovy), Bait (Sardine, Herring, Pike)
  • Advanced Fish - Big net (Mackerel, Cod, Bass), Lure (Trout, Salmon), Harpoon (Tuna, Swordfish), Cage (Lobster), Harpoon (Shark)
  • Logs - Oak, Willow, Maple, Special (Achey, Teak, Mahogany, Eucalyptus), Yew
Notes: Purchased for 70,600 reward credits. Obtained with a Mobilising Armies rank between 200 and 299. You may only own one locator at a time.
Links: Mobilising Armies
Tags: Minigame, Reward
Credits: Cowman_133, GaVaTi, Lady_Shahdie, Rien Adelric, carl0dublin
Last updated: 23-Aug-2009
RuneScape 2007
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