Sacred oil

Sacred oil Examine: Cooking oil blessed by a holy man. Hope this works. Weight: Unknown
Members: Yes Quest item: Yes Tradeable: No Stackable: No
High alchemy: Cannot be alchemised Low alchemy: Cannot be alchemised
Location: Received from Father Lawrence during the Curse of Arrav sub-quest of Dimension of Disaster quest.
Notes: Father Lawrence will ask you to prove Saradomin cares by using the appropriate prayer for the passage he is reading. The correct order is: Ultimate Strength, Rapid Restore, Eagle Eye, Protect from Summoning, then Mystic Might. Upon completion Father Lawrence will give you a vial of sacred oil.
Links: Dimension of Disaster
Tags: Quest-only
Credits: Howlin1
Last updated: 21-Jul-2015
RuneScape 2007
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